*We accept DOE funding, Out of Network or Private Pay at this time*
*We accept Doe funds & private pay at this time*
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
ABA is an evidence-based therapeutic approach where strategies focus on modifying behavior through scientific intervention and skill acquisition.
At Transitions, this can look like:
-Teaching verbal behavior
-Improving tolerance to fears or difficult situations (waiting, transitioning, accepting being told "no", medical appointments, haircuts, tolerating demands, etc.)
-Increasing attention and organizational abilities
-Improving sleep and eating habits
-Reinforcing social skills and social-emotional coping strategies
-Teaching living necessities; such as hygiene, cleaning, money management, shopping, vocational skills, navigating transportation, cooking, dressing and more

Speech Language Therapy
Speech Language therapy is a service that restores, improves, and/or initiates language and communication skills in verbal and non-verbal formats.
At Transitions, this can look like:
-Pronunciation of words
-Initiating speech
-Increasing utterance of sentences
-Appropriate conversation and play skills
-Teaching non-verbal communication, such as gestures, facial expressions and picture communication
-Using an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Device
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy facilitates improvement of skills that are needed to perform everyday life activities.
At Transitions, this can look like:
-Fine motor skills; such as opening containers, zipping/buttoning, tying shoes, tying hair back, brushing teeth, washing hands, clipping nails etc.
-Hand writing and typing
-Sensory input/output strategies for regulation
-Visual-perceptual readiness
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy facilitates improvement of skills that include gross motor movement activites.
At Transitions, this can look like:
-Walking up and down stairs
-Throwing and catching
-Improving weakness in muscle tone
-Assisting with impairments in balance and coordination
-Teaching accommodated ways to navigate difficult movements
-Improving posture

Transitions also has the capacity to provide counseling, tutoring (SETTS) and/or Social Skills services. In addition, we offer a variety of behavior assessments and write personalized behavior intervention plans. Parent training and intensive toileting also available (see below) Please call for more details.
Functional Behavior Assessment
A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is an assessment that analyzes the triggers and consequences that cause, maintain and grow problem behaviors. This assessment is a pivotal piece of knowing why behaviors occur, which in turn helps to complete the puzzle on how to extinguish these behaviors through intervention and programming.
Skill Acquisition Assessment
A skill acquisition assessment tests the client's current skill level. Some common domains measured are: academics (math, reading), communication, socialization, adaptive behavior, visual perception, leisure/play abilities, classroom/group routines and barriers to treatment.
Behavior Intervention Plan
A BIP is a personalized intervention plan that addresses behavior change according to the direct cause of the behaviors. Behavior plans tackle behaviors using preventative, consequential and environmental methods along with teaching the skills needed to replace maladaptive behaviors with functional alternatives (e.g., teaching communication, tolerance, coping skills, replacement behaviors etc).
Bundles offered-Prices vary. Please contact for more information.

Parent training
Parent Training & Counseling
Parent Training and Counseling allows BCBAs to explain the programs & interventions being implemented. In addition, BCBAs go in-depth on why & how interventions and skill acquisition goals are programmed. This allows parents to follow through on client goals when the practitioner isn't present. Parent training is recommended for optimal results and generalization of treatment. Parent training also allows for parents and BCBAs to have an open dialogue and collaborate on decisions in the best interest of the client.
Toilet Training
Intensive Toileting Package:
-Powerpoint workshop on ABA toilet training protocol and what to expect
-2 days intensive toilet training by a Behaviorist in your home
-In-person training, modeling, feedback and troubleshooting for caregivers
-Ongoing support, check-ins and suggestions from Behaviorist up to 12 weeks post-training